March 23rd 2025 Announcements

  • Join us to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus at our Good Friday Service on April 18th at 7:00pm.  No childcare, but Easter focused activity bags will be available. 

  • Save the date for our Egg Hunt outreach event on Saturday morning April 19th!  More details to come!

  • Come to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ at our Easter Sunday Service on April 20th at 10:00am!

  • 25 Year Anniversary Celebration of Hutch E Free!

    HEFC T-shirts are now available featuring a special design for the 25-year anniversary. Some sample sizes are on the coat rack in the worship center for reference. Youth sizes are also available: Y- x-small, Y- small, Y- med and Y- large. Please note on the clipboard the size and quantity you would like. Envelopes for donations are available near the offering slot. If you would like to donate to the Missions and Outreach fund, please place your gift in the envelope and let us know the number of t-shirts you received. Shirts cost about $4.25 to produce.

    Please save the date of Sunday May 4th for the 25-year anniversary of our HEFC family! Beginning with our Sunday morning worship service, activities will take place throughout the day so please plan to keep your schedule open. We are hoping for some opportunities to really connect with one another.

    Please continue to submit memorabilia, photos and videos in the bins at church, USB devices and/or the email address .


    Let’s celebrate 25 years as a church by serving our local community!

    A Habitat for Humanity work day is being planned as part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations. Check your calendars and sign up for May 17th, full day or half day. Volunteers of all skills sets and levels, 18 years or older, are welcome! We will also need a team of volunteers to provide lunch. Look for the sign up clipboard in the foyer at church on Sunday or contact the church office to receive a link to the online sign up form. We look forward to serving together!

  • Are you interested in joining us on the outdoor visionary committee?

    Some tasks on the committee include:

    - Spring and fall outdoor cleanup day

    - Planting of trees, bushes and flowers

    - Sharing ideas specific to the outdoor grounds

    Contact Dede H if interested in joining!

  • Thank you to everyone who has saved card boxes for the 3rd and 4th grade class.  We have met our goal of having a box for each book of the Old Testament and the New Testament. That makes 66 boxes!!  We are now working on memorizing the books of the New Testament.  Thanks again for helping with this project. 

  • A NEW flyer is available for Spring 2025 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.

  • Our Daily Bread devotionals for March/April/May are available in the Worship Center foyer or church office. There are also special "Messiah's Last Words: 7 Easter Reflections on Jesus' Words from the Cross" booklets available from Our Daily Bread Ministries.

March 16th 2025 Announcements

  • Ladies can come for a Craft & Create Weekend March 21 & 22!  We will gather in the Worship Center on Friday 6pm-10pm and Saturday 9am-5pm.  Bring your own beverage, a snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, project(s) to work on and supplies. Coloring pages, colored pencils, irons, an ironing board and cutting mats will be available.  Invite a friend and come when you can, leave when you must!  Contact Carrie S with any questions.

  • A NEW flyer is available for Spring 2025 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.

  • Save the date for our Egg Hunt outreach event on Saturday morning April 19th!  More details to come!

  • 25 Year Anniversary Celebration of Hutch E Free!

    HEFC T-shirts are now available featuring a special design for the 25-year anniversary. Some sample sizes are on the coat rack in the worship center for reference. Youth sizes are also available: Y- x-small, Y- small, Y- med and Y- large. Please note on the clipboard the size and quantity you would like. Envelopes for donations are available near the offering slot. If you would like to donate to the Missions and Outreach fund, please place your gift in the envelope and let us know the number of t-shirts you received. Shirts cost about $4.25 to produce.

    Please save the date of Sunday May 4th for the 25-year anniversary of our HEFC family! Beginning with our Sunday morning worship service, activities will take place throughout the day so please plan to keep your schedule open. We are hoping for some opportunities to really connect with one another.

    Please continue to submit memorabilia, photos and videos in the bins at church, USB devices and/or the email address .


    A Habitat for Humanity work day is being planned as part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations. Check your calendars and hold the date for May 17th. Full day or half day volunteers of all skills sets and levels, 14 years or older, are welcome! More information coming soon.

March 9th 2025 Announcements

  • A Women's Spring Bible Study will be starting Wednesday March 26th at 6:30p.m.  We will be using Jen Wilkin's "God of Creation" study on Genesis 1-11. We will be meeting for 10-11 weeks.  Please contact Felice Z by March 9th for book orders or to ask questions.

  • It's time to sign up!  The M&O Committee needs just a few volunteers to help us run the food stand at the MN CDHA (Christian Deer Hunters Association) Big Little Hunting and Fishing Expo on March 15.  We are also seeking product donations to help us keep our costs down and thus maximize our profits.  Please sign up to work shifts and/or to bring specific product donations on the sign up sheet at church or contact Ann B.  THANK YOU for your help in making this a day when we can serve the attendees of the expo and help them see the love of Christ in us, while also raising money to further the outreach efforts of HEFC in 2025.

  • Join the Elders for our Monthly Prayer Time on Sunday, March 16 after the worship service in the Youth Room.  We will pray for our church, our community, and our country on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

  • Ladies can come for a Craft & Create Weekend March 21 & 22!  We will gather in the Worship Center on Friday 6pm-10pm and Saturday 9am-5pm.  Bring your own beverage, a snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, project(s) to work on and supplies. Coloring pages, colored pencils, irons, an ironing board and cutting mats will be available.  Invite a friend and come when you can, leave when you must!  Contact Carrie S with any questions.

  • Save the date for our Egg Hunt outreach event on Saturday morning April 19th!  More details to come!

  • 25 Year Anniversary Celebration of Hutch E Free!

    Please save the date of Sunday May 4th for the 25-year anniversary of our HEFC family! Beginning with our Sunday morning worship service, activities will take place throughout the day so please plan to keep your schedule open. We are hoping for some opportunities to really connect with one another.

    Please continue to submit memorabilia, photos and videos in the bins at church, USB devices and/or the email address .


    A Habitat for Humanity work day is being planned as part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations. Check your calendars and hold the date for May 17th. Full day or half day volunteers of all skills sets and levels, 14 years or older, are welcome! More information coming soon.

March 2nd 2025 Announcements

  • At our HEFC Annual Meeting we voted in two new members: Clayton & Lynn Artibee!

  • Last Sunday we announced that Paul Cravens has accepted the part time position of HEFC Worship Leader!  He will be phasing into his new position as he phases out of his role at his current church through Easter.

  • A Women's Spring Bible Study will be starting Wednesday March 26th at 6:30p.m.  We will be using Jen Wilkin's "God of the Covenant" study on Genesis. We will be meeting for 10-11 weeks.  Please contact Felice Z by March 9th for book orders or to ask questions.

  • It's time to sign up!  The M&O Committee needs just a few volunteers to help us run the food stand at the MN CDHA (Christian Deer Hunters Association) Big Little Fishing and Hunting Expo on March 15.  We are also seeking product donations to help us keep our costs down and thus maximize our profits.  Please sign up to work shifts and/or to bring specific product donations on the sign up sheet at church or contact Ann B.  THANK YOU for your help in making this a day when we can serve the attendees of the expo and help them see the love of Christ in us, while also raising money to further the outreach efforts of HEFC in 2025.

  • Ladies can save the date for a Craft & Create Weekend March 21 & 22!

February 23rd 2025 Announcements

  • Pastor Mike will be at a pastor’s conference Sunday - Tuesday.  The church office will be closed on Tuesday, Feb 25th.

  • NEW Our Daily Bread devotionals for March/April/May are available in the Worship Center foyer or church office.

  • A Women's Spring Bible Study will be starting Wednesday March 26th at 6:30p.m.  We will be using Jen Wilkin's "God of the Covenant" study on Genesis. We will be meeting for 10-11 weeks.  Please contact Felice Z by March 9th for book orders or to ask questions.

February 16th 2025 Announcements

  • We will have a Soup and Sandwich Fellowship Meal between our Worship Service and Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 23rd.  Please sign up for the potluck on the clipboard in the Worship Center.  Contact Dede H with any questions.

  • Join us for our HEFC Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 23rd where we will vote in new members, reflect on the past year and look to the future of HEFC.

  • NEW Our Daily Bread devotionals for March/April/May are available in the Worship Center foyer or church office.

February 9th 2025 Announcements

  • Join the Elders for our Monthly Prayer Time on Sunday, February 16 after the worship service in the Youth Room.  We will pray for our church, our community, and our country on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

  • We will have a Soup and Sandwich Fellowship Meal between our Worship Service and Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 23rd.  Please sign up for the potluck on the clipboard in the Worship Center.  Contact Dede H with any questions.

  • Join us for our HEFC Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 23rd where we will vote in new members, reflect on the past year and look to the future of HEFC.

  • NEW copies of the Our Daily Bread devotional for March/April/May are available in the Worship Center foyer or church office.

February 2nd 2025 Announcements

  • A special benevolence offering is collected on the first Sunday of each month to provide for special needs in our church family.  You may place your benevolence offering in the designated black offering box on Sunday.

  • Pastor Mike will be unavailable Jan 31 - Feb 8.  The church office will be closed on Feb 4 and 7.  This week, Carrie will be in the office Mon 1-5, Wed 1-4 and Thur 1-4.  Please reach out to an Elder, Deacon Team Member or your small group leader with any urgent needs.

  • Please pray for the Graham family as they grieve the loss of Gary Graham.  A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, February 8 at 11am at CrossPoint Church.  A Gathering of Family and Friends will be held from 9-11am, two hours prior to the service at the church.

  • Save the date for our Annual HEFC Congregational Meeting and Fellowship Meal on Sunday, February 23rd.

January 19th Announcements

  • Save the date for our Annual HEFC Congregational Meeting and Fellowship Meal on Sunday, February 23rd.

  • 25 Year Anniversary at HEFC

    As we enter into the new year, please spend some time in prayer reflecting on the upcoming celebration of the 25-year anniversary of HEFC. There will be opportunities to share in this celebration through service and sharing.  We are looking for willing hearts to step forward to take on some important tasks.

    The areas we need team leads for are:

    - Photos - create slide show of digital photos

    - Tree - memorial tree in honor of Lanny Penwell

    - Habitat for Humanity- coordinate event

    - Historical Display - gather and display physical items for a visually pleasing display

    In addition, please be looking through your collections for photos for any HEFC memories as we will soon be asking for them. At this time, please do not send photos to the church office as it is not our wish to place the burden there.

  • A flyer is available for Winter 2024 - 2025 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.