March 23, 2025: A Different Kind of Priest

Hebrews 7

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A Different Kind of Priest

Mike Giesenhagen

March 23, 2025

Hebrews 7 

Building Blocks of the Hebrews

Who is Melchizedek?

What does a priest do?

How is Jesus a Unique and Perfect Priest?

Discussion Questions

1.   What would you say are the building blocks of the Christian faith? How do these things help us? How can these building blocks be misused?

2.   How does the author suggest that Melchizedek is greater than Abraham?

3.   How do we know that Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizedek?

4.   What is the significance of Christ being a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek?

5.   What does the author mean in verses 18-20? What is the “former regulation” that was set aside? What is the better hope that has been introduced?

6.   What does the eternal nature of Christ tell us about his ability to serve as our high priest before God? (7:23-25)

7.   What priestly benefit is attributed to Christ’s sinless and holy nature? (7:26-27)

March 16, 2025: The Promise Keeper

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Hebrews 6:13-20, Genesis 12-25, Psalm 105

The Promise Keeper

Mike Giesenhagen

March 16, 2025

Hebrews 6:13-20

1.  God ____________ His _____________...

2.  … According to His _______________

3.  … According to His _______________

4.  … According to His _______________

Discussion Questions

1.   What is the purpose of a promise?

2.   What does God promise Abram in Genesis 12:1-7?

3.   What does Psalm 105 tell us about how God fulfilled his promises to Abram?

4.   Have you ever seen God answer your prayers in unexpected ways? What happened?

5.   Are there prayers and promises that are yet unfilled in your life? How can we encourage one another to wait patiently on the Lord?

6.   Additional Study: Read the story of Abram/Abraham in Genesis 12-25. Note examples of his faithfulness and unfaithfulness. How does Abraham’s apparent inconsistency affect God’s promises to Him?

7.   What is the purpose of an oath? How do we see oaths used today?

8.   What is the purpose of an anchor?

March 9, 2025: Christ's Disciples

Hebrews 5:11 - 6:12

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Christ’s Disciples

Mike Giesenhagen

March 9, 2025

Hebrews 5:11-6:12

1.  ____________ God’s __________________.

2.  Take the ____________ ________________.

3.  Keep _______________ ________________.

4.  ___________ to _______________________.

Discussion Questions

1.   What is the difference between milk and meat? What does the mention of an infant add to this imagery?

2.   How can a Christian be fed on spiritual “meat”?

3.   What are some examples of easy to discern issues of “good” and “evil”? What types of things would require more wisdom and nuance?

4.   Prayer Project: What is the next step of faith you feel like God is calling you to take?

5.   Have you ever doubted or reconsidered the Christian faith? What led to those questions? What was helpful in that season?

6.   How can we encourage people to hold onto Christ and his Gospel through difficult times?

7.   What does it mean to persevere? What is a good example of perseverance that you have witnessed? What makes it difficult to continue forward and persevere?

March 2, 2025: The Perfect High Priest

Hebrews 4:12-5:10

The Perfect High Priest

Mike Giesenhagen

March 2, 2025

Hebrews 4:12-5:10

1.  The Word _________ ____________.

2.  Hold ____________ to ____________.

3.  Jesus is the __________ _______ ________.

a. He ______________ _______________.

b. He is _____________ __________.

c. He is _______________ by _________.

d. He is ____________ _______________.

4.  Jesus Brings __________ and __________.

Discussion Questions

1.   Have you heard Hebrews 4:12 before? How have you seen that applied?

2.   What types of things are being divided in 4:12-13? What might be some examples where our outward action does not reflect our inward desires?

3.   Prayer Project: What is an unseen area in your life where God’s Word has something to say? Who in your life could you ask to help in that area?

4.   What is the faith that we cling to in Hebrews 4:14? How would you explain it to others?

5.   Which aspect of Jesus’ High Priesthood is most meaningful to you? Which is most difficult to understand or apply?

6.   What does it mean to “receive mercy” from God? What does it mean to “find grace” in Christ? What part of this do you find encouraging? What part is difficult for you to comprehend or apply?

February 23, 2025: Entering God's Rest

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Hebrews 4:1-11

Numbers 13 & 14

Trusting in Jesus

Mike Giesenhagen

February 23, 2025

Hebrews 4:1-11

1.  Rest is ____________.

2.  Rest is a __________ for the ___________.

3.  Rest is a __________ for _______ ________

a. Rest is _______________ ___________.

b. Rest ≠ _________________.

c. Rest is __________ _______________.

d. Rest is __________-____________.

4.  Finding Rest _______________ _________.

Prayer Project

1.   How do you define “rest”? What does it look like? How does the concept of “rest” make you feel?

2.   What does the Bible say about “rest” and God’s people? (Hebrews 4:1, 11)

3.   How does God provide rest in the future?

4.   How does God provide rest for us today?

5.   Prayer Project: How healthy is your view of rest? Are you prone to overindulge in rest? To ignore it? Do you think it’s good? Do you think it’s possible?

6.   What does it mean to “rest in the Lord”? (Psalm 62)

7.   What kind of rest can we receive from Jesus? (Matthew 11:28-29)

8.   What are the greatest challenges in resting in the Lord?

February 16, 2025: Trusting in Jesus

Hebrews 3; Numbers 13-14

Trusting in Jesus

Mike Giesenhagen

February 16, 2025

Hebrews 3; Numbers 13-14

1.  _______ Your ________ On _____________

2.  _________ is _________ Than ___________

3.  Maintain _______________ in ___________

4.  A Question: __________________________

5.  _____________ in __________ ___________

Prayer Project

1.   Background Study: Read Psalm 95 and Numbers 13-14. Prayerfully consider some questions derived from this passage to examine your trust in God’s provision for you.

2.   Are you trusting in God’s Provision or Our Perception?

3.   Are you trusting in God’s Power or Yours?

4.   Are you overestimating circumstantial threats and underestimating God?

5.   Are you living in fear?

6.   Are you grumbling against others?

7.   Do you have unreasonable expectations?

8.   Do you trust in God’s leaders? Or desire your own?

9.   Do you want to punish other people (who are made in God’s image)?

January 12, 2025: God Speaks by His Son

Hebrews 1:1-4

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

God Speaks By His Son

Mike Giesenhagen

January 12, 2025

Hebrews 1:1-4

1.   _________ ___________ When __________ ___________.

2.   Jesus is _________________ ______________________.

3.   _______________ is Our _________________________.

4.   We Cannot _______________ His __________________.


1.   Ice Breaker: What examples of God speaking do you remember from the Bible? What happened?

2.   What is an “heir”? What is an inheritance? How is this relevant to Jesus in Hebrews 1?

3.   What is the significance of Jesus’s presence at creation? What does this tell us about his character?

4.   What does it mean that Jesus is the “radiance” or the “exact representation” of God?

5.   How does Jesus uphold all things?

6.   How has Christ purified sins? What is the author referencing?

7.   Why is it significant that he “sat down” at the right hand of the Majesty?

January 5, 2025: Our Anchor in the Storm

Hebrews Introduction

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Our Anchor in the Storm

Mike Giesenhagen

January 5, 2025

Intro to Hebrews

1.   Who Wrote Hebrews?

2.   To Whom Is It Written?

3.   When Was It Written?

4.   Why Does It Matter?


1.   Ice Breaker: What do you turn to when things become difficult? How do you respond?

2.   What are the circumstances surrounding the universal Church today?

3.   What are some of the benefits we enjoy as members of the universal Church?

4.   What are some of the challenges Christians face today?

5.   How does the Gospel provide a firm foundation for our lives, regardless of circumstance?

December 29, 2024: Living in the Light

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

1 John 1:1-2:2

Living in the Light

Mike Giesenhagen

December 29, 2024

1 John 1-2:2

1.   ___________ is _____________.

2.   God’s ________________ is _____________________.

3.   We Have _____________ with ________ _____________.

4.   ________________ as ______________ __________.


1.   Ice Breaker: How do you remember the birth of Christ at Christmas?

2.   What does the imagery of light and darkness teach us about God’s character?

3.   How do you apply “as he is in the light” from 1 John 1:7?

4.   What is the difference between Christ as a transforming presence in our life vs an example to follow? How does that apply differently?

5.   Why does John emphasize the presence of sin in our lives? How does that affect our fellowship in a positive way?

6.   How do you see Jesus love God in the Gospels?

7.   How do you see Jesus love people in the Gospels?

December 22, 2024: The Light of Love

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

1 John 4:7-15

The Light of Love

Mike Giesenhagen

December 22, 2024

1 John 4:7-16

1.   _____________________ God’s Love

2.   _____________________ God’s Love

3.   _____________________ God’s Love

4.   _____________________ God’s Love


1.   Ice Breaker: How would you define love? How did you come to this definition?

2.   What does it suggest if one of God’s primary attributes is love?

3.   What could make it difficult to believe that God is, at His core, loving?

4.   What does it look like to receive love from someone?

5.   What could make it difficult to receive love from God?

6.   How are we called to love others?

7.   What could make it difficult to love others?

8.   How are we instructed to love God in this passage?

9.   Prayer Project: Which of these aspects of love is most challenging for you right now? Who has God called you to love in this season?

December 15, 2024: The Light of Joy

Matthew 5:1-16

The Light of Joy

Mike Giesenhagen

December 15, 2024

Matthew 5:1-16

1.   ___________ is an ___________________ ____________.

2.   ____________ is Our __________________ for ________.

3.   _______________ Completes Our __________________.


1.   Ice Breaker: What is joy? How is it related to happiness? What does it mean to rejoice?

2.   How do you understand the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12? What about them have you found helpful? What is challenging?

3.   Who is the primary actor in the Beatitudes? Who is the recipient of the action?

4.   How do the Beatitudes connect to the rest of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7?

5.   How does Christ influence our joy? What attributes of God affirm our joyfulness?

6.   What does joy look like in the hard seasons of life? How has God helped you “take joy” in times of trouble?

December 8, 2024: The Light of Peace

Mark 5:24-34; Philippians 4:6-9

The Light of Peace

Mike Giesenhagen

December 8, 2024

Genesis 1; Mark 5:24-34; Philippians 4:6-9

1.   God Brings _______________ to _______________.

2.   God Brings _______________ to the _______________.

3.   God Brings ________________ to __________________.


1.   Ice Breaker: What are some of the best parts of the Advent season? What are some of the hardest parts of the Advent season?

2.   How does creation demonstrate God’s peace?

3.   How does God respond to the fullness of his creation? What can we learn from this?

4.   How does the story of the bleeding woman in Mark 5 demonstrate the peace we have in Christ?

5.   What is the connection between the “peace that transcends all understanding” and the list of attributes that immediately follows it in Philippians 4:7-8?

6.   How can we be reminded of God’s peace this Christmas?

7.   What is one thing you can do to cling to God’s perfect peace this December?

December 1, 2024: The Hope of Light

Revelation 22:1-5

The Hope of Light

Mike Giesenhagen

December 1, 2024

Revelation 22:1-5

1.   This __________ ____________ Includes _____________.

2.   ___________ is Better Than __________________.

3.   __________ Exchanges ____________ for ___________.

4.   Our Hope is _____________ by _______________.


1.   How do people normally describe darkness? What pictures or feelings are associated with darkness?

2.   How do people normally describe light? What pictures or feelings are associated with light?

3.   What evidence of “darkness” do we see in the world today?

4.   Additional Study: Read John 8:12 and 12:44-46. According to Jesus, what is the difference between darkness and light? Who or what does Jesus say is the light of the world?

5.   What are some of the descriptions that Christians are given as “children of light” in the New Testament? What is our identity? How are we called to put this into practice?

6.   How would you explain or define Christian hope to a young child?

7.   How does the light of Christ provide eternal hope for those who follow Him?

November 24, 2024: Thanksgiving Service

Each year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, our congregation has a testimony Sunday. We share of the wonderful things that God has been doing in our lives. Due to the sensitive nature of some personal testimonies, we do not stream and broadcast these services on the internet.

Our text this morning is Psalm 105:1-7. We will use this text to frame the testimonies we share, along with the following 3 questions:

  1. What Area Have You Seen God Working in Your Life?

  2. How Has He Been Working?

  3. What Has Been the Result of God’s Work?

Psalm 105

1 Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name;

make known among the nations what he has done.

2 Sing to him, sing praise to him;

tell of all his wonderful acts.

3 Glory in his holy name;

let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.

4 Look to the LORD and his strength;

seek his face always.

5 Remember the wonders he has done,

his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,

6 you his servants, the descendants of Abraham,

his chosen ones, the children of Jacob.

7 He is the LORD our God;

his judgments are in all the earth.

The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Ps 105:1–7.

November 17, 2024: The Overcomer

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

John 16

The Overcomer

Mike Giesenhagen

November 17, 2024

John 16

1.  Jesus ________________ His _________________.

2.  The ___________ ____________ Is ________ ______.

3.  The ________ is ________ to _____________.


1.   What are some of the obstacles the disciples will face in the coming days? Look over John 17-21 and the book of Acts for additional help.

2.   How does Jesus prepare them for the challenges ahead?

3.   What is the role of the Holy Spirit for the disciples? How does he work in their lives?

4.   What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the world? (Consider John 16:8-11)

5.   How does the imagery of a woman giving birth prepare the disciples for a life of following Jesus?

6.   What does Jesus mean when he says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”