February 23, 2025: Entering God's Rest

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Hebrews 4:1-11

Numbers 13 & 14

Trusting in Jesus

Mike Giesenhagen

February 23, 2025

Hebrews 4:1-11

1.  Rest is ____________.

2.  Rest is a __________ for the ___________.

3.  Rest is a __________ for _______ ________

a. Rest is _______________ ___________.

b. Rest ≠ _________________.

c. Rest is __________ _______________.

d. Rest is __________-____________.

4.  Finding Rest _______________ _________.

Prayer Project

1.   How do you define “rest”? What does it look like? How does the concept of “rest” make you feel?

2.   What does the Bible say about “rest” and God’s people? (Hebrews 4:1, 11)

3.   How does God provide rest in the future?

4.   How does God provide rest for us today?

5.   Prayer Project: How healthy is your view of rest? Are you prone to overindulge in rest? To ignore it? Do you think it’s good? Do you think it’s possible?

6.   What does it mean to “rest in the Lord”? (Psalm 62)

7.   What kind of rest can we receive from Jesus? (Matthew 11:28-29)

8.   What are the greatest challenges in resting in the Lord?