Hebrews 4:12-5:10
The Perfect High Priest
Mike Giesenhagen
March 2, 2025
Hebrews 4:12-5:10
1. The Word _________ ____________.
2. Hold ____________ to ____________.
3. Jesus is the __________ _______ ________.
a. He ______________ _______________.
b. He is _____________ __________.
c. He is _______________ by _________.
d. He is ____________ _______________.
4. Jesus Brings __________ and __________.
Discussion Questions
1. Have you heard Hebrews 4:12 before? How have you seen that applied?
2. What types of things are being divided in 4:12-13? What might be some examples where our outward action does not reflect our inward desires?
3. Prayer Project: What is an unseen area in your life where God’s Word has something to say? Who in your life could you ask to help in that area?
4. What is the faith that we cling to in Hebrews 4:14? How would you explain it to others?
5. Which aspect of Jesus’ High Priesthood is most meaningful to you? Which is most difficult to understand or apply?
6. What does it mean to “receive mercy” from God? What does it mean to “find grace” in Christ? What part of this do you find encouraging? What part is difficult for you to comprehend or apply?