March 9, 2025: Christ's Disciples

Hebrews 5:11 - 6:12

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Christ’s Disciples

Mike Giesenhagen

March 9, 2025

Hebrews 5:11-6:12

1.  ____________ God’s __________________.

2.  Take the ____________ ________________.

3.  Keep _______________ ________________.

4.  ___________ to _______________________.

Discussion Questions

1.   What is the difference between milk and meat? What does the mention of an infant add to this imagery?

2.   How can a Christian be fed on spiritual “meat”?

3.   What are some examples of easy to discern issues of “good” and “evil”? What types of things would require more wisdom and nuance?

4.   Prayer Project: What is the next step of faith you feel like God is calling you to take?

5.   Have you ever doubted or reconsidered the Christian faith? What led to those questions? What was helpful in that season?

6.   How can we encourage people to hold onto Christ and his Gospel through difficult times?

7.   What does it mean to persevere? What is a good example of perseverance that you have witnessed? What makes it difficult to continue forward and persevere?