Pastor Mike Giesenhagen
Hebrews 6:13-20, Genesis 12-25, Psalm 105
The Promise Keeper
Mike Giesenhagen
March 16, 2025
Hebrews 6:13-20
1. God ____________ His _____________...
2. … According to His _______________
3. … According to His _______________
4. … According to His _______________
Discussion Questions
1. What is the purpose of a promise?
2. What does God promise Abram in Genesis 12:1-7?
3. What does Psalm 105 tell us about how God fulfilled his promises to Abram?
4. Have you ever seen God answer your prayers in unexpected ways? What happened?
5. Are there prayers and promises that are yet unfilled in your life? How can we encourage one another to wait patiently on the Lord?
6. Additional Study: Read the story of Abram/Abraham in Genesis 12-25. Note examples of his faithfulness and unfaithfulness. How does Abraham’s apparent inconsistency affect God’s promises to Him?
7. What is the purpose of an oath? How do we see oaths used today?
8. What is the purpose of an anchor?