June 23rd Announcements

  • The Gathering Room is now available at the beginning of our Sunday Worship Services for overflow seating to view the live stream until the children are dismissed for Children's Church. Please use the double glass doors between our two buildings.

  • Please pray for our Appalachia Mission Team as they serve and love the people in Kentucky June 23-28. A flier is available with specific ways to lift them up.

May 19th Announcements

  • Congrats to our Children's Ministry graduates!  On May 26th we will celebrate the kiddos moving into kindergarten, 3rd grade, or 5th grade in the 2024-2025 school year.  We'll present Bibles to the 3rd graders, and those age groups will move up to the next Sunday school class.  Contact Elyse K with any questions or concerns.

  • We will recognize our senior high school graduates during the service on June 2nd.

  • Please contact the church office if you are interested in baptism or child dedication on June 16th.

  • There is a NEW flyer available for Summer 2024 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.

May 12th Announcements

  • Let's kick-off summer by grilling a picnic style Fellowship Meal on May 19th.  The main dish will be provided.  Please sign up on the clipboard for a side dish to share.

  • Congrats to our Children's Ministry graduates!  On May 26th we will celebrate the kiddos moving into kindergarten, 3rd grade, or 5th grade in the 2024-2025 school year.  We'll present Bibles to the 3rd graders, and those age groups will move up to the next Sunday school class.  Contact Elyse K with any questions or concerns.

  • Please contact the church office if you are interested in baptism or child dedication on June 16th.

April 21st Announcements

  • God Rocks! 

Do you love God? Do you love people? Do you want to help people love God?

The Missions and Outreach team would like to help you get started. We can all get out into the community and tell people what we love about God.

First: focus on a specific attribute of God that is significant to you.

Second: spend some time in the Bible seeing how that attribute is revealed.

Third: pray. Praise God for displaying the attribute you are studying, thank God for the same.

Fourth: write the attribute on a colorful rock as a “God is –“statement and place it somewhere outdoors.

Fifth: pray for the person or people who find the rock, that they will see what you see about God.

Next: keep studying scripture while asking how God displays that attribute.

Finally: repeat for another attribute of God.

You will find colorful rocks and markers at church over the next few weeks, you are encouraged to use them. You are encouraged to make the project your own and paint rocks on your own. The idea is that our church uses our love for God to love people by helping them love God.

  • Are you interested in church membership and learning about the EFCA and HEFC?  HEFC Membership Classes will be held on April 28th and May 5th after the morning services.  Each class is about 1 1/2 hours.  Part #1: Statement of Faith of the EFCA.  Part #2: HEFC mission/vision/core values and how to plug into our church. Contact Pastor Mike or the church office if you would like to attend so food and materials can be prepared.

  • Please contact the church office if you are interested in baptism or child dedication.

April 14th Announcements

  • Children's Ministry is hosting Parent's Night!  On April 19th, bring your kiddos to the Gathering Room for a movie, pizza and activities from 5-7pm so you can have a night out!  Contact Elyse K by April 17th (extended) to RSVP so we can plan food/volunteers.  Please note: this is only for HEFC families.  We'll have outreach events later this year.

  • Are you interested in church membership and learning about the EFCA and HEFC?  Contact Pastor Mike or the church office if you would like to attend HEFC Membership Class on April 28th and May 5th.  Each class is about 1 1/2 hours.  Part #1: Statement of Faith of the EFCA.  Part #2: HEFC mission/vision/core values and how to plug into our church.

  • Please contact the church office if you are interested in baptism or child dedication.

April 7th Announcements

  • Children's Ministry is hosting Parent's Night!  On April 19th, bring your kiddos to the Gathering Room for a movie, pizza and activities from 5-7pm so you can have a night out!  Contact Elyse K by April 12th to RSVP or if you are able to help with the event.  Please note: this is only for HEFC families.  We'll have outreach events later this year.

  • A new Women's Morning Bible Study is starting April 25th!  This is a 11 session study of 2nd Samuel with The Village Church and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin.  This morning study starts Thursday, April 25th 9:00am - 10:45am with a time of fellowship from 8:30-9am.  Cost is $20.  Please contact Patti K or the church office if interested by April 12th so books can be ordered.

  • Are you interested in church membership and learning about the EFCA and HEFC?  Contact Pastor Mike or the church office if you would like to attend HEFC Membership Class on April 28th and May 5th.  Each class is about 1 1/2 hours.  Part #1: Statement of Faith of the EFCA.  Part #2: HEFC mission/vision/core values and how to plug into our church.

  • Please contact the church office if you are interested in baptism or child dedication.

  • There is a NEW flyer available for Spring 2024 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.