April 5, 2020: When the Church Went

Good morning!

Today, we will be taking a look at the book of Acts, and we will study the broad story of the early church. Most importantly, we will look at how the church responded in one of their most difficult time in Acts chapters 7 and 8. Here is a brief outline of the message for you to follow along with.

The Plan - Acts 1:8

The Foundation - Acts 2:42, 4:20

The Turning Point - Acts 8:1-3

When the Church Went - Acts 8:4

Application Points: How did God help the church to go into the world around them?

  1. God _____________ ________________.(Acts 9 and 10)

  2. God ___________ _______________________. (Acts 9 and 10)

  3. God __________________ ____________________. (Acts 15)

  4. God’s People Go _________________ and ____________________ They Can. (The Book of Acts)

What Can We Do In Uncertain Times?

Good morning!

Today we will look at a story from Scripture when one of God’s people is living in an uncertain time. The story covers several chapters of the Old Testament, so I would encourage you to read through Genesis chapter 12-22 if you get the chance.

Our focus is the story of Abraham and God, and the path God provides for Abraham from the time of promise in Genesis chapter 12 to the child of promise in Genesis chapter 21. I hope you are encouraged by this passage as I was!

In Christ,

Pastor Mike

Passage of Scripture: Genesis 12-22

Points of Application:

  1. God is Faithful Even When We’re Not

  2. Things Around Us Often Affect Us

  3. We Should Cling To God’s Promises In Times of Uncertainty

  4. God’s Plan NEVER Fails

Seeking God in Uncertain Times

Good morning!

Today will be the first time we will be unable to worship together in our worship center, but this message is intended to share some encouragement and some of our plan of how Hutch E Free will continue to love and serve our people. In addition, there are some thoughts about how you can continue to seek God in this season.

Key Verses used in this message are:

Acts 2:41-47

2 Chronicles 7:13-14

Romans 8:28

If you need anything, please reach out to one of our church leaders, whether it is me, one of the elders, or the deacons, too. We want to be sure that we stay connected in this season, and we look forward to the day when we can worship together in one room again!