Celebrate Amber Herdegen and Sonia Koval and their upcoming arrivals with a Baby Shower on Friday, April 29th 6:30-8:00pm in the Gathering Room. To RSVP or bring a dessert, contact Elyse K by April 22.
10 volunteers are needed to help with the HAY lunch from 10:00am - 1:00pm on Thursday, April 28th. Contact Dede H if you can help by making sandwiches, setting up the serving area and serving food to the high school students.
Starting on May 5th the Men’s Bible Study group will be getting together on Thursdays from 6am – 7am in the Gathering Room. All men are welcome. "Discovering the Bible" books will be provided. Questions call Bill H.
Save the date for a Pancake Breakfast Saturday, May 7th. Money raised will go toward the HEFC Kentucky Mission Trip.
There will be a Carnival Planning Committee Meeting after the worship service on Sunday, May 1st. Contact Patti K. with any questions.