On Sunday, August 25th MN Adult & Teen Challenge Choir will be leading our worship service and sharing testimonies! The service will not have a break so Children's Church dismissal (Pre-K - grade 2) will be toward the beginning of the service.
We will be having a HEFC Membership Class in September. Contact the church office or Pastor Mike if you are interested so dates/times can be arranged.
Come to Library Square on September 5th from 6-7pm for "One Voice - A Hutchinson Community Worship Night" lead by Hutchinson Area Worship Leaders. An offering will be taken for Common Cup Ministries.
Mark your calendars for our Involvement Sunday on September 8th! Learn about our HEFC ministries and how you can be involved! We will also share a Fellowship Meal together. More details to come.
SAVE THE DATE - Sunday, Sept. 15, "Belonging Begins with Us" event - more details on the event and volunteering at the HEFC booth to follow.
A NEW Fall Small Group flyer is now available. Reach out to the contact if there is a group you are interested in joining.