August 18th Announcements

  • On Sunday, August 25th MN Adult & Teen Challenge Choir will be leading our worship service and sharing testimonies!  The service will not have a break so Children's Church dismissal (Pre-K - grade 2) will be toward the beginning of the service.

  • We will be having a HEFC Membership Class in September.  Contact the church office or Pastor Mike if you are interested so dates/times can be arranged.

  • Come to Library Square on September 5th from 6-7pm for "One Voice - A Hutchinson Community Worship Night" lead by Hutchinson Area Worship Leaders.  An offering will be taken for Common Cup Ministries.

  • Mark your calendars for our Involvement Sunday on September 8th!  Learn about our HEFC ministries and how you can be involved!  We will also share a Fellowship Meal together.  More details to come.

  • SAVE THE DATE - Sunday, Sept. 15, "Belonging Begins with Us" event - more details on the event and volunteering at the HEFC booth to follow.

  • A NEW Fall Small Group flyer is now available. Reach out to the contact if there is a group you are interested in joining.