August 20th 2023 Announcements

  • We are looking to better understand how well connected our church family is to small groups, bible studies, and opportunities to serve.  Please fill out the HEFC Involvement Survey so that we can connect our church family to one another and meet the needs of our growing community!  Email your copy to us at or fill out a paper copy in the Worship Center by August 23rd.  This will help us prepare for our Involvement Sunday August 27th when we will will highlight our HEFC ministries and volunteer opportunities and encourage small groups!

  • Those who have been through the Membership Classes and wish to take the next step to become HEFC members please complete your applications and contact the office to set up a meeting with the elders.  Meetings must take place before August 24th to be ready for the next Congregational Meeting on September 10th.

  • Help is needed to run the Cash Wise Brat/Hot dog stand as a fundraiser for HEFC Missions!  Sign up on the clipboard in the Worship Center for an August 24-26 shift.  Also looking for a 12'x12' weighted tent.  Contact Ann B or Tessa G with questions.

  • Starting September 14th is a new Women's Fall Bible Study! This is a 10 session verse-by-verse study of First Samuel with The Village Church and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin.  The book of 1st Samuel introduces one of the most fascinating stories in all of Scripture, the reign of King David.  Trace the lives of several key characters and explore the themes of king and kingdom, pointing to our divine King, Jesus Christ.  This 10 week study starts Thursday, September 14th.  Two times are available:  Morning: 9:00 - 10:45 am and Evening: 6:30 - 8:15 pm.  Cost is $20.  Please call or text Patti K by September 1st so materials can be ordered.

  • The Children's Ministry remodel is nearing completion.  If you are able to help with this project please contact Matt M, Bill H or Bob.

  • Mark you calendars for Sunday September 10th!  We will have our official Small Group Kick-Off, a Congregational Meeting to vote in new HEFC members and a Fellowship Meal after the worship service!  More details to come!

  • Save the date for a meet and greet Baby Shower for Edie N on Saturday, October 14th!