Beginning September 5th we will be offering Children's Ministry every Sunday! For the summer, it is still on an every other Sunday basis. The final summer Sunday for Children's Ministry is August 22nd.
A Men's Bible Study is held on Thursdays at 6:00am in the Worship Center. "Discovering the Bible" by Gordon Addington is being used. Contact Bill H or Rollie S with any questions.
Two Women's Bible Studies will begin the week of September 12th. Both will be 10 sessions of "God of Creation - A Study of Genesis 1-11" by Jen Wilkin. A morning group will meet Thursdays 8:30-10:15 in the Worship Center. An evening group will be meeting Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30 in the home of Kelli F. Books will cost $16 with checks to be made out to HEFC. Please sign up by September 3rd via text or email to Patti K.
There will be a Small Group Sunday on Sunday, September 12th to highlight all of our small groups. Anyone interested in leading or hosting a small group can contact Pastor Mike.
A HEFC directory update has been printed and can be found in your mail folder in the foyer of the Worship Center!
Interested in becoming a member of HEFC? Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office.