August 8th 2021 Announcements

  • We are currently offering Children's Ministry on an every other Sunday basis. Our next Sundays for Children's Ministry will be August 22nd and September 5th.

  • Please consider a contribution to the Common Cup annual School Supply Drive. To meet our church goal we still need: 3 backpacks, 56 black pens and 340 red pens. Donations can be placed in the marked container in the Worship Center foyer. The deadline has been extended to August 15th.

  • A Men's Bible Study will be held on Thursdays 6:00am in the Worship Center starting August 12th. "Discovering the Bible" by Gordon Addington will be used. Contact Bill H or Rollie S with any questions.

  • Two Women's Bible Studies will begin the week of September 13th. Both will be 10 sessions of "God of Creation - A Study of Genesis 1-11" by Jen Wilkin. A morning group will meet Thursdays 8:30-10:15. An evening group will be meeting with dates and times to be determined by the group. Book cost is typically between $12 and $18. Please sign up by September 3rd via text or email to Patti K.