The annual Cookie Day will be on Tuesday, December 3rd at 10am in the Ministry Center Commons Area. Ladies can bring their prebaked cookies/bars/treats and package them together to be given to families and individuals who need to feel the love of Jesus Christ this Christmas season. Lunch will be provided. Contact Dede H with questions.
Join us as we go Christmas caroling to spread the story and joy of Jesus in our community on Thursday, December 12. Meet at the Worship Center 6:00-6:15pm. We will leave promptly at 6:15 to sing for about an hour. Bring a snack to share if you would like for a short fellowship time afterwards. Contact Carrie S with questions.
The Children's Ministry Christmas Program "The Birth of Jesus" will be held during the worship service on Sunday, December 15th.
Mark your calendars for our Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 5:00pm on December 24th.
25 Year Anniversary at HEFC
Ideas are coming along for the celebration. We will be dividing up various areas of the celebration and looking for volunteers to head up specific areas. In this way, we hope to have everyone take part. Our first need is for an A/V team. We need a crew of people who are willing to create a series of up to 5 videos. The videos should be about 3-5 minutes in length. The idea for the videos is that we will learn how people feel about HEFC. Examples for content could be: first impressions, favorite lesson/event, historical background and so on. The possibilities are many. We need creative folks who are willing to film and edit the videos so that for a few weeks before the anniversary we can enjoy them at Sunday services and then have one for the day of the celebration as well. You could use man-on-the-street interviews, video calls with past members, clips from services...Please contact Amanda D if you are interested in being part of this team. Possible roles would include: writing, filming, editor, host, producer, possibly more.