December 31st Announcements

  • Children's Ministry is expanding!  A new class for the 3rd/4th graders will start January 7th.  (Sermon prep time for 5th/6th graders will continue.)  Parents, please check your email for details.  Contact Elyse K with any questions.

  • A new Women's PM Winter Bible Study is starting January 25th!  This is a 11 session study of 2nd Samuel with The Village Church and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin.  This evening study starts Thursday, January 25th 6:30 - 8:15 pm.  Cost is $20.  Please call or text Felice Z by January 12th so books can be ordered.

  • There is a NEW flier available for Winter 2023-2024 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.

  • Remember to check your mail folder in the Worship Center foyer.  You can find directory updates and other communications there.  If you are a regular attender and do not have a mail folder please fill out a communication card or contact the church office.