February 4th Announcements

  • Are you interested in HEFC Membership?  Please contact the church office. Classes will be on February 4th and 11th.  Class #1 will focus on the statement of faith of the ELCA.  Class #2 will focus on HEFC mission/vision/core values and how you can be involved.  Have you already attended the classes and are interested in taking the next steps?  Please contact the church office so elder interviews can be arranged.

  • Save the date for a Souper-Soup Day on Wednesday, February 21st 10am-1pm.  More details to come.

  • Save the date for our HEFC Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 25th after the worship service.  More details to come.

  • Save the date for an Easter Egg Hunt Outreach on Saturday, March 30th.  If you are interested in helping plan this event please reach out to Nicole G or the church office.