January 2nd 2022 Announcements

  • The next Craft & Create Weekend will be January 14 & 15. Friday 6p-10p and Saturday 9am-5pm in the Worship Center. Ladies can bring: project(s) to work on and supplies, your own beverage, a snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, and a friend! Contact the church office or Carrie S to reserve a spot or get more details.

  • We will be printing a directory update in January. If your contact information has changed since August 2021, please be sure the church office knows.

  • Anyone who would like to use any spaces at our church campus will need to contact Carrie, the Office Administrator, to see if the space is available on the church calendar to be able to reserve it. Fees may apply for outside groups.

  • Regular Office Hours: Carrie: Mondays 1-5p, Wednesdays 1-4p, Fridays 1-4p. Pastor Mike: Tuesdays - Fridays 9a - 5p or by Appointment.