A summer Women's Thursday Morning Small Group will be starting on July 18th with fellowship from 8:00 - 8:30 and study time 8:30-10:00 in the Gathering Room. This 13 week study of "The Pilgrim's Progress" book (as little or as much homework as you would like) will be facilitated by Amanda D. Contact Patti K if you are interested.
Join us for a short congregational meeting after the worship service on July 21st to receive a staffing update from our Elders.
Last year we raised nearly $1,000 for HEFC Missions by manning the Cash Wise Brat Stand rather late in the season and on a rainy weekend. This year we have a prime weekend, July 25-27, so we are excited to raise even more - BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Look for the sign-up sheets at church or call/text Ann B to volunteer!
The next Craft & Create Weekend will be Friday, July 26th 6pm - 10pm & Saturday, July 27th 9am - 5pm. Ladies can bring their own beverage, snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, project(s) to work on and supplies (Cutting mats, irons & ironing board provided). To help with knowing how many tables to set up, please tell Carrie S if you plan to attend. Invite a friend and come when you can, leave when you must!