July 24th 2022 Announcements

  • A full HEFC Church Directory (without photos) of our members and regular attenders will be printed at the end of July. If your contact information has changed since January 2022, please be sure the church office knows.

  • There will be a Kid's Movie Night Out on Friday, August 5th 5:00 - 7:30 in the Ministry Center. Menu: Hot Dogs, Veggies, Water and Popcorn. Parents are welcome to bring their children and have a couple of hours "off." Make it a date night or do some shopping or support the McLeod County Relay for Life at the Masonic West River Park.

  • Children's Ministry is looking for helpers and substitutes! This is a once-a-month, low-prep commitment. If you are interested in learning more, contact Missy M (preschool) or Elyse K (elementary).

  • We are looking for more people to join the Welcome Team to usher and help visitors feel comfortable. Please contact Char S if you are able to help in this ministry.

  • The Common Cup Ministry Back to School Supply Drive has begun! Items requested from our church are: 20 Backpacks, 500 Blue pens, 500 Black pens, and 500 Red pens. Donations can be placed in the designated bin in the Worship Center foyer and will be accepted until August 5th.