Please be in prayer for our HEFC Mission Team as they serve the people in Appalachia with the love of Jesus. They will be gone from June 12-19.
The Habitat Hustle 5K and HEFC Carnival is on Saturday morning, June 17th. We are partnering with Crow River Habitat For Humanity for our annual Carnival this year so our church will be hosting carnival games and helping with the 5K event. Sign up on the clip board to volunteer! If you have questions, contact Nicole G.
A NEW 8 week Women's Summer Thursday Morning Bible Study will be starting July 6th at 8:30 am in the Gathering Room. In "From Beginning to Forever" Elizabeth Woodson guides you through the story of the Bible, showing how all 66 books combine to form one unified narrative. Cost is $25. Please RSVP by June 29th so books can be ordered to Carol P (or Patti K before June 17).
The women’s Thursday night Bible study will not be meeting next week (June 15) and will pick back up on June 22 at 6:30 pm for their 2nd week of study. Anyone who is still interested in joining can still do so on the 22nd.
Pastor Mike will be out of the office June 12-19. Carrie will have her regular church office hours Monday 1-5pm, Wednesday 1-4pm and Friday 1-4pm. Please contact an Elder or Deacon/ess if you have an urgent need.