Current Children's Ministry volunteers: it is time for our periodic background check renewal. Please check your email for the authorization form and return it to the church office. Printed versions are available in the Worship Center foyer. Contact Elyse K or Missy M with questions.
Help Wanted: Please contact Matt M if you are able to help with lawn mowing at church this summer.
Save the Date! Summer Carnival Sunday, July 24th! The event will be from noon - 2:30. This is one of our largest outreach events of the year. Please mark it on your calendars as an opportunity to serve our community in Hutchinson! A volunteer sign up is now available using the link for Sign-Up Genius in the Friday announcements email. You can also sign up for a shift on the clipboards in the back of the Worship Center for set up, clean up, games and food.
Prayer warriors are welcome to join in prayer for the Summer Carnival after the worship service in the Pastor's Office on Sunday morning.
Available now: June/July/August Our Daily Bread devotionals in the Worship Center foyer.
Finances are needed to repair the Worship Center roof. Please write "Roof Replacement" in the check memo line or give online on our GIVING page and select "Give to Roof Replacement".
Looking for instrumentalists! Has God given you a musical talent to play an instrument? Please contact Carrie S if you feel Him calling you to serve Him by joining our Worship Team!
Are you going to be out of town? If you miss a Sunday service, there are extra bulletins from the previous two weeks in a folder in the front of the mailbox bin in the Worship Center foyer. Service live streams, sermon notes and reflection questions as well as announcements are all available on the church website.
Want to view our HEFC Main Calendar? Check out our website at under the INFO tab! This calendar does not include our small groups. Please contact the small group leaders for specific dates/times/locations/topics or pick up a Summer 2022 Small Group flier in the Worship Center.