June 26th 2022 Announcements

  • Our mission team is in Appalachia! Please be in prayer for them as they serve the people of Kentucky and spread the love of Jesus from June 24-July 2.

  • The Outdoor Visionary Committee is inviting you to join us on Friday, July 8th. We will be starting to clear brush, pull and trim bushes, trim trees, attack weeds and move rocks at 8:00 a.m. at the Northeast corner of our church property. Please join us whenever it works for you and stay as long as you can stay! Enjoy Fellowship and the Great Outdoors! All skill levels are welcome. Individuals not comfortable with the physical labor are encouraged to partner up and provide noon time nourishment. Please consider joining in! Many hands make light work. If you have questions or would like to volunteer to bring lunch, please contact: Dede H

  • Ladies can mark their calendars for the next Craft & Create Weekend on July 8 & 9. Friday 6-10pm and Saturday 9am-5pm. Bring your own beverage, snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, project(s) to work on and supplies (Cutting mats, irons & ironing board provided). Contact Carrie S to reserve a table (or chair). Invite a friend and come when you can, leave when you must.

  • Current Children's Ministry volunteers: it is time for our periodic background check renewal. Please check your email for the authorization form and return it to the church office. Printed versions are available in the Worship Center foyer. Contact Elyse K or Missy M with questions.

  • Save the Date! Summer Carnival Sunday, July 24th! The event will be from noon - 2:30. This is one of our largest outreach events of the year. Please mark it on your calendars as an opportunity to serve our community in Hutchinson! A volunteer sign up is now available using the following link for Sign-Up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e49a5ac2daaf8ce9-hefc You can also sign up for a shift on the clipboards in the back of the Worship Center for set up, clean up, games and food.

  • Prayer warriors are welcome to join in prayer for the Summer Carnival after the worship service in the Pastor's Office on Sunday morning.

  • Finances are needed to repair the Worship Center roof. Please write "Roof Replacement" in the check memo line or give online at www.hutchefree.org on our GIVING page and select "Give to Roof Replacement".

  • Are you interested in church membership and learning more about HEFC and the EFCA? Contact the church office or Pastor Mike so that summer classes can be arranged.

  • We are looking for more people to join the Welcome Team to usher and help visitors feel comfortable. Please contact Char S if you are able to help in this ministry.

  • We are in need of more Watch Dogs to help secure the safely of our children each Sunday. Contact Pat G if you want more details on how to serve in this way.

  • We now have a zero-turn mower in our church shed! We are still in need of mowers young and old! Estimated time depending on experience with zero-turn is 2-3 hours. Please contact Matt M if you are able to help with lawn mowing at church this summer.

  • Looking for instrumentalists! Has God given you a musical talent to play an instrument? Please contact Carrie S if you feel Him calling you to serve Him by joining our Worship Team!