Craft & Create Weekend will be March 15th & 16th. Friday 6pm - 10pm & Saturday 9am - 5pm. Ladies can bring their own beverage, snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, project(s) to work on and supplies (Cutting mats, irons & ironing board provided). Contact Carrie S to reserve a table (or chair). Invite a friend and come when you can, leave when you must!
Save the date for a Mission Trip Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser after the worship service on Sunday, March 17th. A free will offering will be taken.
There will be an Easter Egg Stuffing Event on Wednesday, March 20th 10:00am - noon in the Gathering Room. Donations of individually wrapped candy for the Easter Egg Hunt Outreach can be dropped off in the church office. Reach out to Nicole G with any questions.
Join us to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus at our Good Friday Service on March 29th at 7:00pm. No childcare, but Easter focused activity bags will be available.
We will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt Outreach on Saturday, March 30th 9:30-11:30. If you are interested in volunteering please sign up for a shift on the sheet in the Worship Center. Flyers are available for inviting others to join us for egg hunts, snacks, hot drinks, crafts and more! Egg hunts will be staggered by age groups. Reach out to Nicole G with any questions.
Join us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ at our Easter Sunday Service on March 31st at 10:00am! Toddlers - Grade 4 can be dropped off for Children's Church PRIOR to the service. Nursery and Sermon Prep will be dismissed at announcement time.