May 29th 2022 Announcements

  • Current Children's Ministry volunteers: it is time for our periodic background check renewal. Please check your email for the authorization form and return it to the church office. Printed versions will be available in the Worship Center foyer. Contact Elyse K or Missy M with questions.

  • Summer Women's Bible Study: A 10 week study on James will begin Thursday June 9th. Two times are available: Mornings 8:30 - 10:15am and Evenings 6:30 - 8:15pm. (Don't worry about missing a time or two - come when you can.) Cost is $16. This study by Jen Wilkin is a podcast study and is also available online. Please let Patti K know by Wednesday, June 1st so materials can be printed.

  • Help Wanted: Please contact Matt M if you are able to help with lawn mowing at church this summer.

  • Save the Date! Summer Carnival Sunday, July 24th! The event will be from noon - 2:30. This is one of our largest outreach events of the year. Please mark it on your calendars as an opportunity to serve our community in Hutchinson! Watch for a volunteer sign up sheet in the next few weeks for set up, clean up, games and food.

  • As part of Common Cup Ministries we have been asked to donate granola bars throughout the year for the school backpack weekend distribution. We will be collecting diapers (size newborn and larger) throughout the month of May. Please place these items in Common Cup basket in the Worship Center foyer. Also looking for Road Ready Bicycles. Contact Twyla G for more information.

  • Available now: June/July/August Our Daily Bread devotionals in the Worship Center foyer or church office.

  • Monday, May 30th is Memorial Day. It is the day when we pay tribute to all veterans, past, present, deceased and missing. Our nation has set aside this day to commemorate these people who have so bravely served our nation and enriched our lives as Americans. The public is invited to join the VFW at the Memorial Day Service at the McLeod County Veterans Memorial Park at 10:00 am.

  • Want to view our HEFC Main Calendar? Check out our website at under the INFO tab! This calendar does not include our small groups. Please contact the small group leaders for specific dates/times/locations/topics. Fliers are available in the Worship Center.