May 8th 2022 Announcements

  • Congratulations to Andrew & Amber H on their Baby Boy! Sawyer was born on April 26th!

  • Calling all outdoor visionaries! Looking for interested and knowledgeable individuals willing to design our outdoor ministry areas. How can we capitalize on our location, green space, & future desires for ministry? Work with a small group of enthusiastic dreamers. Cast a vision for our outdoor spaces and determine potential costs. Prioritize and present to fellow worshipers. Contact Patti K by May 15th if you are interested.

  • Mark your calendars for our Summer Fellowship Kick-off! Sunday, May 22nd will be a Grill-Out after the worship service. Food provided!

  • Save the Date! Summer Carnival: Sunday, July 24th! This is one of our largest outreach events of the year. Please mark it on your calendars as an opportunity to serve our community in Hutchinson!