November 6th 2022 Announcements

  • Thank you for your participation in filling Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Some filled shoeboxes have been returned for later distribution. Please remember to pray for the children who receive these gifts. Also, including a personal note and photo in your shoebox brings delight to the heart of a child. The deadline for collecting shoeboxes is November 20.

  • Our traditional Thanksgiving Sharing Service will be on November 20th followed by a Fellowship Meal and Congregational Business Meeting. Members (and new members ready for affirmation) should have received an email from Pastor Mike with more details on the meeting. Paper copies are available by request.

  • Join us December 11th for the "Candles in the Churchyard" Kids' Christmas Program! Rehearsal for pre-school through 2nd graders December 10th, 10-11:30 am. Contact Beth or Elyse with questions or if you're unable to participate.

  • Anyone interested in going on a Mission Trip next June 13-18 to Appalachia can contact Pastor Mike or Ann B