The HEFC Leadership Nomination letters are now available for members. Please pick one up in your mail folder. If you would like one emailed to you contact the church office. Nominations are due Oct 31st. Voting will happen at our Congregational Business Meeting Sunday, November 21st.
A Small Group Leaders Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 31st after the worship service. Pastor Mike will host the meeting for a short time of connection for those leading a small group.
We're looking to see how many folks are interested in participating in a week-long Mission Trip next year. Location is yet to be determined. Contact Ann B or Pastor Mike if interested.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Take this month to pray for, bless and encourage our pastor!
Some empty Operation Christmas Child boxes have disappeared from the table. Way to go, church! Filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes can be brought to church where they will be kept for delivery. Please remember the request of $9 per shoebox for shipping and other expenses. If you would like to adopt a shoebox and help someone with the sending costs, please make a check out to Samaritan’s Purse and give it to Carrie N who will deliver those with the shoeboxes.
We are looking for individuals or couples to volunteer to become part of a Welcome Team. This team will oversee new and current guests in our church. The team will assist with welcoming guests, helping them find their seats, helping with their children and whatever other needs might have. For more information and to volunteer, please contact Char S.
We are looking for another Sound Tech person to run the sound board during the Sunday morning services and at the Thursday evening worship team practices. If you are interested, please contact Pat G.
Ladies can mark your calendars for the next Craft & Create weekend November 12 & 13. Friday 6p-10p and Saturday 9p-5p. Bring: project(s), supplies (cutting mat & ironing board provided), your own beverage and a snack to share. We will order lunch on Saturday. Please contact Carrie S if you are planning to come so enough tables can be arranged. Feel free to invite a friend!