October 27th Announcements

  • October is Pastor Appreciation Month.  This season is a special time to honor those who minister to us and celebrate the impact they make on our lives. Be thinking about how you can use your personal gifts, talents, resources and words of encouragement to say "Thank you!" to Pastor Mike!

  • A new Men's group will be meeting the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month starting November 2nd in the Gathering Room.  All ages of men are welcome to come for a light breakfast, fellowship and study of the book Faithful Leaders by Rico Tice.

  • There is a NEW flyer available for Fall & Winter 2024 Small Groups.  Feel free to pick one up and reach out to the contact person for more details if there is a group you would like to join.

  • Through Operation Christmas Child, our church has the opportunity to bring the good news about Jesus to the unreached.  Last week, several boxes were taken to be filled.  In each box there is information about what to pack and NOT pack. More boxes are available at a table in the foyer.  There are also adhesive labels that can be used to follow your box if you choose that option.  Our final collection date is November 17, 2024.

  • Save the date for our annual Thanksgiving Testimony Sunday on November 24th.  We will also have a Fellowship Meal and hold our November Business Meeting.

  • Those who have attended a HEFC Membership Class and are interested in going forward in pursuing membership can contact the church office or Pastor Mike so Elder interviews can be arranged.

  • The elders have distributed a financial update to the HEFC mailboxes, including staffing updates, 2024 giving trends, and an update on the development of the 2025 spending plan. If you have any questions, please reach out to Dave, Tim, Chuck, Craig, or Pastor Mike.

  • The Missions and Outreach Team would like to suggest the formation of a work group to plan events to honor 25 years of HEFC. In April 2000 HEFC held their first public worship service. We are hoping to honor the legacy of our local body through service, celebration and stories. The hope is to have a series of events, and we need a group of people committed to making this a reality. If you are interested in being part of this work group, please contact Amanda D.