Children's Ministry is now offered every week! Nursery - 5th grade will be dismissed partway through the service.
We still need a couple of additional helpers in Children's Ministry. This is a once-per-month commitment to assist the teacher and lovingly supervise the kids. No weekly prep required! Contact Elyse or Missy if interested.
We also need additional security during Children's Ministry time. Contact Pat Geiken if interested.
Small Group Sunday is TODAY! There will be an opportunity to meet with small group leaders after the service.
There will be a Women's Night Out on Tuesday September 14th. Come at 7:00 pm for a campfire at the home of Lynn A. Bring your own chair and invite a friend!
Interested in becoming a member of HEFC? Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office or Pastor Mike.
We will have an opportunity for baptism on Sunday, September 26th. Anyone interested in being baptized or learning more about baptism can contact the church office.
Mom's In Prayer will begin meeting today for those with school age children who would like to meet with other moms weekly to lift up their students and schools in prayer. The group meets on Fridays at Cross Point Church from 4:00-5:00. If interested, please contact Carrie S for more information.
If you are willing and available to help with childcare for small groups please contact the church office.