HEFC Membership Classes will be offered following the worship services on September 18 & 25. The first class will talk about what the EFCA is and last about 1 1/2 hours. The second class will talk about HEFC and will be a bit shorter. Please contact Pastor Mike or the church office if you plan to attend so materials can be made ready.
The Outdoor Visionary Committee is inviting you to join us for our RESCHEDULED workday on Friday, September 23rd. We will be continuing our work with the Northeast corner landscaping project, painting outside doors, shed windows and signage poles; and preparing planter boxes from 8:00 - 11:00 am. Enjoy Fellowship and the Great Outdoors! All skill levels are welcome. Please consider joining in! Many hands make light work. If you have questions, please contact Patti K.
Exciting changes in Children's Ministry! Our elementary class is growing! Praise the Lord! We're also adapting! Parents, please join us for a brief meeting after the service on Sunday, September 25th to discuss the structural change into older and younger elementary groups. Check your email for more details from Elyse.
We will be tying blankets for McLeod County children. Our goal is 20 blankets to be distributed locally. You can choose to tie a blanket with your small group, family, individually, OR join us Saturday, October 1st at church for a group effort at 8:30am in the Gathering Room. No special skills necessary. RSVP to Patti K.
HEFC Members please check your email for a message about nominations for next year's leadership, changes in our constitution and by-laws and proposed team structure. Paper copies are available by request.