April 23, 2023: The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

Mike Giesenhagen

April 23, 2023

Acts 23:12-24:27

 1.  Practice _______________________.

 2.  Endure with _________________________.

 3.  _____________ God.

 4.  ________________ His _______________.

 5.  ___________ on the Lord.


 1.   How do you react when you feel stuck in a difficult situation?  What would your friends or family say is your first response?

 2.   How can the difficult times in our lives deepen our relationship with God?  What behaviors and habits can be built in these seasons?

 3.   Is Paul more concerned with his own behaviors or the behaviors of others in Acts 24?  How can we apply this to our own relationship with Christ Jesus?

 4.   How do you continue to worship God when things are difficult?  What activities help you to remember and refocus on his goodness?

 5.   How do you profess hope in God when things are hard?  Is this a challenge for you?  Or does it come naturally?  How can you be reminded of his goodness?

 6.   Is it hard for you to wait for God to work?  What makes that difficult for you?  If you are “still”, what feelings stir up in you?