December 10, 2023: Our Reason for Joy

Daniel 11

Our Reason for Joy

Mike Giesenhagen

December 10, 2023

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

1.  ______________  __________________.

2.  __________ ________________________.

3.  __________ __________ in Every _______________.

4.  For This is the ___________ of _____________...

5.  ________ You ________ Christ Jesus.


  1. Icebreaker: What is your favorite thing about the Christmas season?

  2. Contextual Study: Acts 17:1-10.  How long did Paul, Silas, and Timothy stay in Thessalonica?  What type of ministry did they do?  Why did they leave?

  3. How can joy be an active verb?  What does it mean to “rejoice”?  What does it mean to “enjoy”?  What does it mean to “be joyful”? How are they the same?  How are they different?

  4. What would unceasing prayer look like?  How would this be possible?

  5. What drives an attitude of thankfulness?  What can stand in the way of us being thankful?

  6. How does the phrase “For this is the will of God” strike you?  What type of action does it prompt in you?  What feelings emerge when you hear that?

  7. How does Jesus free us to rejoice, pray, and give thanks?  How does the birth of Christ remind us of these things?  What does it tell us about who God is?