February 13, 2022: Invest

Galatian2 6:1-10


Mike Giesenhagen

February 13, 2022

Galatians 6:1-10

Discipleship Pathway:

 ____________. -> ____________. -> 

____________. -> ____________.

 1. We Can’t ___________ _______.

 2.Investing  _____________  _____________.

 3. Invest in _________ __________________.

 4. Invest in _____________ ______________.


 1.   What is something that you have invested time or money into that has brought you joy?

 2.   How do our relationships with each other affect our ability to pursue God?  How might it help?  How can it be a hindrance?

3.   What do we normally mean when we say “you reap what you sow”?

4.   How can we know if we are investing our time, energy, and money wisely?

 5.   What is one thing that God might be leading you away from?  What is one area where He might lead you to invest more fully?

 6.   What is one relationship that you would like to see strengthened?  Who is someone you admire and could learn from?  Or who is someone you could encourage and support?