July 16, 2023: Reality Meets Reality

Col 3:1-7

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Reality Meets Reality

Mike Giesenhagen

July 16, 2023

Colossians 3:1-17

 1.  Christ ______________ Our __________________.

 a.  The Work of ______________ is ____________.

 b.  The Promise of _____________ is __________.

 2.  We Are __________ _________ in ______________.

 a.  _______ _________ the _______ _________.

 b.  This is For _________ ________ _______.

 c.  Be ____________ in the _________ of ______.

 3.  Christ __________ Us __________________.


 1.   How can Christians be confident in the Assurance of Salvation?  What Scriptures support this doctrine?

 2.   How much of our sin was forgiven on the cross?  How do we know?  Is this a simple or difficult thing for us to understand?

 3.   What is the purpose of turning away from our sinful ways?  Who does it benefit, and how?

 4.   What is the significance of Paul’s instruction to “rid yourselves of all such things as these”?  What does the word “yourselves” add to this command?

 5.   What is the purpose of “setting our minds on things above”?  How does that help us in our pursuit of Christ (consider also Galatians 5:16)

 6.   This passage begins and ends with a reminder of Christ (3:1-4, 15-17).  How can this help us as we relate to our brothers and sisters in the Church?