July 7, 2024: Standing in God's Armor

Ephesians 7:10-17

Standing in God’s Armor

Mike Giesenhagen

July 7, 2024

Ephesians 7:10-17 


1.   ___________ Holds the ______________.

2.   Our ____________ __________ is _________________.

3.   God’s Armor Helps Us ____________ ____________.

4.   God’s Armor Provides ________________ __________.

The Belt of Truth:

The Breastplate of Righteousness:

The Boots of the Gospel:

The Shield of Faith:

The Helmet of Salvation:

The Sword of the Spirit:


  1. Additional Study: Ephesians 1-5.  How has God’s power been demonstrated in the book of Ephesians?  What has He done for us?

  2. Why is it important to remember who our true enemy is?  What difference does it make?

  3. What are we instructed to do while wearing the armor of God?

  4. How does truth help us in the battle against Satan?

  5. Where does our righteousness come from?  How does it protect us in the battle?

  6. What does the word “readiness” imply about the Gospel of peace?

  7. How does faith help protect us from the attacks of the enemy?

  8. What is the significance of the “helmet of salvation”?

  9. How can we wield the Sword of the Spirit against the enemy?  How do we see this used in Scripture?