June 25, 2023: Dealing with False Teaching

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Col 2:6-23

Fullness in Christ

Mike Giesenhagen

June 25, 2023

Colossians 2:6-15

1.  ______________ Comes Back to ___________.

 2.  Beware _________ and _________  _____________.

 3.  Consider the ____________.

 4.  __________ is Our ___________  _______________.

 5.  Christ’s _____________ is Our __________ ________


 1.   Paul indicates that the Colossians should be rooted, built up in, and established in Christ.  What do these verbs tell us about our standing in Christ?

 2.   What are some “hollow and deceptive philosophies” we see in our world today?  Why are these things appealing to us as people?

 3.   Additional Study: Mark 7:1-23.  Jesus speaks against the “human traditions” of the Pharisees.  How do we see this kind of hollow and deceptive philosophy in our world today?

 4.   Colossians 2:10 tells us we are “full” in Christ and that he is the head over all powers and authorities.  How can this bring encouragement to us as followers of Christ?

 5.   Which of the images in Colossians 2:11-15 (circumcision, burial, resurrection, made alive, forgiven, victorious) is most encouraging to you?  Which one is most difficult for you?