A Humble Prayer
Mike Giesenhagen
November 26, 2023
Daniel 9
1. God Wants __________ ___________ ____________.
2. ________________ is _______________ to _________
3. Our ________________ Brings ___________________
4. God’s ______________ > Our _______________
5. God _____________ Our _________________
6. God _______________ His __________________
Daniel was moved by the plight of Jerusalem and the 70 years of desolation from Jeremiah 25:11-12. What part of God’s will in the Scripture motivates your heart?
What does confession look like in your prayer life? How does your prayer life look like Daniel 9? How is it different?
According to Daniel’s prayer, who/what is responsible for the scorn and shame God’s people are experiencing during the Exile?
How does Daniel’s prayer reflect his prioritization of God’s goodness? What does the prayer teach about who God is? What does it reveal about God’s people?
How does God respond to Daniel’s prayer? How can this be an encouragement to us?
What hope can we cling to from the vision given to Daniel in 9:24-27?