Daniel 3
Pastor Mike Giesenhagen
Through the Fire
Mike Giesenhagen
October 1, 2023
Daniel 3
1. ___________ ____________ for ______________.
a. Be __________ of _________ ______________.
b. _____________ the __________________.
2. ___________ ___________ in the _____________.
3. We’re Delivered ____________ the Fire
a. God is __________ in our _____________.
b. It __________________ our ____________.
c. _________ is ___________________.
d. _____________ Come Through __________ __________.
1. How can we identify idols in our lives? What idols do we see in our society? What idols are common among Christians?
2. How do we guard against idolatry in our own hearts?
3. How do Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego respond to the king’s questions
4. How does God respond to the king’s idolatry? What happens to the golden image?
5. How does God deliver Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the hands of Nebuchadnezzar? How would you feel if you went through this process?
6. Which part of God’s deliverance is most encouraging to you? Which part is most challenging for you?
7. What other examples of God’s deliverance through difficult circumstances do we see in the Bible? What does this teach us about how God works?