October 6, 2024: How Can We Know the Way

John 14:4-7

How Can We Know the Way?

Mike Giesenhagen

October 6, 2024

John 14:4-7


The Question:

1.  Jesus is the ______________.

2.  Jesus is the ______________.

3.  Jesus is the ______________.


1.   What is the difference between Jesus being the “way, truth, and life” versus being an example of those things?

2.   Read John 10:1-10. What title does Jesus apply to Himself in this passage? How does that relate to John 14:6?

3.   Read John 15:1-4. What title does Jesus apply to Himself in this passage? How does that relate to John 14:6?

4.   Read John 5:36-39 and 11:17-27. How does Jesus describe Himself in these passages? How does that relate to John 14:6?

5.   Additional Study: Utilize a Bible app to do a Word study of the phrase “the law” in the New Testament. What does the New Testament teach us about how to understand and apply the law of the Old Testament in our present day?

6.   Prayer Project: If you had a friend who gave you the opportunity to tell them one thing (one sentence!) about Christianity, what would you tell them? How about 2? Continue adding one sentence at a time until you reach 5 or 10 truths to share with your friend.