What Is The Gospel?
Bill Wright
June 26, 2022
1 Corinthians 15:1-12
1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening or difficult? Explain.
What Is The Gospel?
Bill Wright
June 26, 2022
1 Corinthians 15:1-12
1. What insight, principle or observation from this weekend’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening or difficult? Explain.
Acts 4:32 - 5:11
Your Kingdom Come
Mike Giesenhagen
June 19, 2022
Acts 4:32
1. A _________ _________ is like ________
2. ____________ leads to ______________,
Not _________________.
3. We _________ _______ ________.
4. We Should __________ Our ________.
5. We All Need ________ __________.
1. How does our church support each other? How have you supported others in our church? How have you been encouraged by others?
2. What are some ways that we might be tempted to compete for righteousness? How does this affect the way we see ourselves? How does it affect how we see others?
3. Additional Study: Read the stories of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4) and Achan (Joshua 7). How are they similar to Acts 5:1-11? What is different? What do these stories tell us about God?
4. What does confession look like in your own life? How often do you do it? Who has the permission and proximity to speak into your life?
5. Prayer Project: Consider with God whether there are any ways that you have given him a half-measure, or less than your best. Ask Him to help you prioritize him more properly in your life.
Acts 4:23-31
Your Kingdom Come
Mike Giesenhagen
June 12, 2022
Acts 4:23-31
1. God is _________ than your _________
2. Humanity is __________ against _____
3. God ________ Humanity’s __________
4. God’s ________ ____________ it.
5. Pray for ________ ________________
1. The apostles were under fire from the Sanhedrin. What enemies do we perceive in our own lives? How can it help to remember the sovereignty of God?
2. What is the benefit of understanding that the world’s enemy is God Himself? How can this encourage us in our lives today?
3. The nations worked together to put Jesus to death, yet God used that as part of his redemption plan. How does this demonstrate that God can use all things for the good of those who love him?
4. How does God demonstrate his power in Acts 4? How do we see him still working today? Have you seen him work in your own life?
5. The people pray for God’s power to support their testimony. How can we pray for God’s opportunities to preach his word today? Who would you like to be able to share the Gospel with?
The Mirror Acts 4:1-22
The Mirror
Mike Giesenhagen
May 29, 2022
Acts 4:1-22
Who are the Sanhedrin and what do they stand for?
1. Follow the __________ of the ________
2. Ask for ________ _________
3. Seek ________ __________
4. Join __________ in ____________
1. What did you learn about the Sadducees and the Sanhedrin this week? What caused them to imprison Peter and John?
2. How could people who are so knowledgeable about the Scriptures miss the mark regarding Jesus as God’s Messiah?
3. How do Peter and John follow the command of Christ when they heal the man at the Temple?
4. What differences do you see between the Sanhedrin and the Apostles in Acts 4:1-22? How do we know who has acted appropriately?
5. How can we know whether we are following God’s will vs the expectations of humanity? How has God helped you with that in the past?
Acts 3:1-26
Ready for Anything
Mike Giesenhagen
May 22, 2022
Acts 3
1. Ready for _______ to __________.
2. Ready with the ___________.
3. Ready to ____________________.
1. Have you ever had a time when a spiritual conversation came up out of nowhere? What happened? How did you respond?
2. Have you ever encountered someone who was surprisingly open to hearing you talk about Christ? What happened?
3. If the opportunity arose, how would you share the Gospel with someone? What stories would you tell? What Scriptures would you use?
4. Why do you think Peter was so adamant about pointing to God and faith in Christ as the foundation of this miracle? How can we keep the glory of God top of mind when we witness to others? What might prevent this from happening?
The Outpost
Building the Outpost
Mike Giesenhagen
May 15, 2022
Acts 2:36-47
God Prepares Us through:
1. The ________________.
2. ________________.
3. His ________________.
4. ________________.
5. Genuine Christian ______________ is
1. What is the purpose of the Scriptures of the Bible? Why has God inspired it and preserved it from when it was written all the way through today?
2. How does community help prepare us for challenges in life? What benefits come from community?
3. Some people like to say “I love Jesus, but I hate the Church.” Why do you think they feel that way? How would you respond to those concerns?
4. How does the Lord’s Supper (the breaking of bread) remind us of Jesus? How does this prepare us to follow God? Read 1 Corinthians 11 or the book of 1 Peter as additional sources.
5. Why do you think prayer was such an essential part of the early church? What do you think they were praying for?
6. Which of these preparations is strongest in your life? Which would you like God to grow?
Acts 2:1-41
The Promised One
Mike Giesenhagen
May 8, 2022
Acts 2:1-41
Article 6: The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of its guilt. He regenerates sinners, and in Him they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted as heirs in the family of God. He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips, and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.
How can Acts 2 help us be better witnesses?
1. Don’t Get ________________.
2. ___________ on the _______________.
3. __________ on ____________.
1. How is the nature of the Holy Spirit revealed in Acts 2? How does the EFCA Statement of Faith align with what we see in this chapter?
2. What does Peter focus on in his speech? What support does he claim? Where does he find his examples to persuade the crowd?
3. What is Peter trying to persuade the people to do in his speech in Acts 2? What is his goal? What can we learn from his example?
4. What is the difference between the depiction of the Spirit in Acts 2 against what we have seen in the Old Testament? See Judges 3:10, 6:34, 1 Samuel 16:13-14 as examples. What changed?
5. What might distract us from our mission in Christ? How might others try to distract us? How can we lose sight of our priorities?
Acts 1
God Sized Eyes
Mike Giesenhagen
May 1, 2022
Acts 1:1-26
What does Jesus Prioritize after the Resurrection?
What are the disciples expecting from Jesus?
How should we respond?
1. We ___________ Christ’s ____________.
2. We ________ with Christ’s __________.
3. We ________ ______________.
4. We ________ the _____________.
5. We _________ God’s _______________.
1. Background: Read Matthew 28, Luke 24, and John 20-21. What does Jesus emphasize after the Resurrection? What does he do? What does he say?
2. How does Jesus address the expectations of the disciples in Acts 1:6-8? What does he focus on? How does the expectation shift from their question (v6) to his commission (v8)?
3. What has Jesus instructed us to do as his followers and his Church?
4. What is the purpose of gathering with other believers?
5. What do you think the disciples were praying about? How should we be praying today?
6. How can we be prepared to see what God is doing in our midst?How do we know when God is working?
After the Resurrection
Mike Giesenhagen
April 24, 2022
Intro to Acts
1. Acts is a ________________ to _______.
2. Acts is About What __________ _____.
3. God ______ His People ____________.
4. God has _______________ __________.
1. Background: Read Luke 1:1-4 and 24:36-52. How do these passages prepare us for what’s to come in Acts?
2. How was the Roman world similar to ours today? How was it different? How can this help our study in Acts?
3. What kinds of boundaries are crossed for the sake of the Gospel in the book of Acts? Who are some of the important characters?
4. How does Acts serve as a “bridge” between the Gospels and the epistles of the New Testament?
5. What would you like to learn from the book of Acts as we study this together?
John 12:12-19
The Coming King
Mike Giesenhagen
April 10, 2022
John 12:12-19
1. ________ is the _________!
2. __________ is Who We’ve ___________
3. The ___________ ___________ the way.
4. The Disciples __________ his ________.
5. It’s All About __________.
1. Background: Examine the Accounts of the Triumphal Entry in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, and John 12:12-19. How are they similar? What details are unique to each?
2. How does the Triumphal Entry demonstrate that Jesus is the expected king?
3. What/who are the people talking about as Jesus arrives? What does their focus teach us as we look forward to Easter Sunday? What does their focus teach us as we look forward to Christ’s return?
4. If you get to know somebody new and ask them about their faith, would you rather they already knew Jesus or not? Why do you think you prefer it that way?
5. How can we prepare to tell others about Jesus as we look forward to Good Friday and Easter Sunday?
The Road to Resurrection
Mike Giesenhagen
April 17, 2022
John 20
Jesus Reveals Himself to Mary
Jesus Reveals Himself to the Disciples
Jesus Reveals Himself to Thomas
Moving From the Chasm to the Cross
1. Do you ever feel like faith and religion feel like a balancing act? What does that feel like? Where did that idea come from? How does one succeed in the balance?
2. What does it mean to say that the God of the Bible is a personal God? What would be the difference between a personal and impersonal God?
3. When the disciples were scared, Jesus met them where they were? Where would you like Jesus to meet you in your life today?
4. Thomas has some serious doubts and questions, but Jesus knew about them. However, Jesus overcame the doubts of Thomas. What doubts would you like Jesus to address in your life?
5. Personal Reflection: Jesus knows our weaknesses and our shortcomings. He overcame them taking them with him to the cross and the tomb. What would you like to leave in the tomb with Jesus this weekend?
Book of Ruth: Chapter 4
Our Gracious God
Mike Giesenhagen
April 3, 2022
Ruth 4
1. When God says, “_________,” ______!
2. God’s ____________ Should Be ______.
3. God’s Provision is _____________ and
God’s Provisions in Ruth
1. Background: For more information on providing for those in need, read Leviticus 25:25-55. For information on levirate marriage, read Deuteronomy 25:5-10
2. How does Boaz respond when confronted by Ruth on the threshing room floor? What does he do?
3. What might cause delays in our obedience to God? Why might we choose to or need to wait?
4. What types of priorities can get in the way of our obedience to God? What examples do we see in the book of Ruth?
5. In Ruth 4:17, Naomi receives a blessing.“Naomi has a son!” the women proclaim.Trace the thread of Naomi through the book of Ruth.Where has she showed faithfulness?Where has she lacked faith?What does this blessing teach us about God?
The Book of Ruth: Chapter 3
Courageous Faith
Mike Giesenhagen
March 27, 2022
Ruth 3
1. Ruth was a ________ _______________.
2. Ruth Receives _______ _____________.
3. God’s Way is _________ than _______.
4. Courageous _________ ______ _______
a. Faith Takes __________.
b. Faith Takes __________.
c. God Can __________ ___________!
1. Background: Read Genesis 19:30-38. What does this passage teach us about the origins of the Moabite people? What stigmas would such a beginning bring?
2. What parallels do you see between Genesis 19:30-38 and Ruth 3:2-8? Why would this plan appeal to Naomi?
3. How does Ruth’s behavior differ than that of her ancestor, Lot’s daughter?
4. What is the result of Ruth’s faithfulness?
5. Ruth asks Boaz to step in as her kinsman-redeemer. What does that mean? Read Leviticus 25:25-55 for more information.
6. Do you think God is calling you to put your faith in action?Or to patiently wait on his provision?Who might he be calling you to care for?What might he be calling you to wait for?
A Faith Beyond…
Mike Giesenhagen
March 20, 2022
Ruth 2
1. ______________ ____________ Goes
Beyond _________________.
2. ______________ ____________ Goes
Beyond _________________.
3. ______________ ____________ Goes
Beyond _________________.
1. Conversation Starter: When was the last time you felt like an outsider? Where were you? How did it make you feel? What helped you feel more included?
2. Ruth did not know Boaz or the culture of Bethlehem. How do you think she felt gleaning in the fields? How does her statement in Ruth 1:16-17 impact her behavior?
3. Have you ever had to put your life in the hands of a stranger? What did that feel like?
4. Have you ever seen God’s providence at work in your life? What other examples of his providence are evident in the Scripture?
5. How does Boaz go above and beyond the call of obedience in Ruth 2? Read Leviticus 19:9-10, 23:22, and Deuteronomy 24:17-22 to learn more about “gleaning”.
6. How does Boaz’s response to Ruth foreshadow the love of Christ?How is it similar?How is it different?
Ruth 1
Choosing Faithfulness
Mike Giesenhagen
March 6, 2022
Ruth 1
1. The ________ ______ is _________ ______.
2. Circumstances ________ Our _________.
3. God ________ ___________ to
_______________ ___________.
4. _________ Can _________ Your ________.
1. Conversation Starter: When you hear about judges, what first comes to mind? Does that change when you think about the biblical “Judges”?
2. Extra Study: Ruth takes place during the time of the Judges. What does us tell us about life in the Promised Land at this time?
3. In the opening chapter of Ruth, we see Naomi brought low by a series of tragic events. How does she respond? What is good?
4. Ruth is noted as a Moabite. What does this identity contribute to this narrative? Consider texts like Deut 7:1-4, 23:3-6, Exodus 34:14-15.
5. What is the most surprising thing that happens in this passage of the text? What is the point or the lesson that we can learn from this moment?
6. How are Ruth and Naomi similar?How are they different?And how is God already using them together in this narrative?
A Love Story
Mike Giesenhagen
February 27, 2022
Ephesians 5:21-33
1. We are the __________ of ____________.
2. God _________________ Us.
3. God _________________ Us.
4. God _________________ Us.
5. ____________________ to God.
1. Conversation Starter: What has been the best thing you have read lately about God? What has inspired you to contemplate him?
2. What comes to mind when you hear the “Bride of Christ”? What does that imagery say about the Church?
3. How has God pursued you in your life? It could be something as your family or a story of God working in unique ways.
4. How has God loved you in challenging times in your life? How has he loved you when things are going well?
5. Prayerful Reflection: What, specifically, are some things God has saved you from? What did he pay the price for?
6. What area(s) of your life might God desire your submission in? Where has your attention been drawn away?
7. How can you reprioritize God as we look forward to Resurrection Sunday?
Mike Giesenhagen
February 20, 2022
Luke 13:6-8
Discipleship Pathway:
____________. -> ____________. ->
____________. -> ____________.
1. Multiplication is __________ __________.
2. Multiplication is __________ __________.
3. God’s Kingdom is ___________________.
4. God Desires ___________ in Us.
1. What happens to things that receive too much nourishment? (e.g a person with too much food; a plant with too much water)
2. How do God’s people multiply in the Old Testament? How do they multiply in the New Testament?
3. How are we blessed through God’s multiplication?
4. What’s the difference between an offensive and a defensive view of God’s kingdom? How would these views affect the behavior of the Church?
5. How is God using the fruit of your life to plant seeds for others?
6. How is God using the fruit of your life to nourish and develop others?
7. Is there any fruit in your life that has grown stagnant or become unused?
Galatian2 6:1-10
Mike Giesenhagen
February 13, 2022
Galatians 6:1-10
Discipleship Pathway:
____________. -> ____________. ->
____________. -> ____________.
1. We Can’t ___________ _______.
2.Investing _____________ _____________.
3. Invest in _________ __________________.
4. Invest in _____________ ______________.
1. What is something that you have invested time or money into that has brought you joy?
2. How do our relationships with each other affect our ability to pursue God? How might it help? How can it be a hindrance?
3. What do we normally mean when we say “you reap what you sow”?
4. How can we know if we are investing our time, energy, and money wisely?
5. What is one thing that God might be leading you away from? What is one area where He might lead you to invest more fully?
6. What is one relationship that you would like to see strengthened? Who is someone you admire and could learn from? Or who is someone you could encourage and support?
Mike Giesenhagen
February 6, 2022
Hebrews 10:23-25
Discipleship Pathway:
____________. -> ____________. ->
____________. -> ____________.
1. Connection _______ ____ ___________.
2.Connection ___________ _____ ________.
3. Connection ___________ _____________.
4. Connection _________ _____ _________.
1. Who are some people who have been strong connections for you in your journey of faith?
2. When have you been motivated by someone to accomplish something? What did they do to help motivate you? What was accomplished?
3. How does relationship help us to motivate and encourage one another?
4. How does relationship alter our perspective on life? Have you ever had your understanding shift because of a new relationship or friend?
5. Who do you know that has been a reliable source of support for you? What would it look like to be reliable for one another with meaningful connections?
6. How can connected relationships help us with perseverance?
7. Extra Study: Look up “one another” verses in Scripture. What are some themes you notice? How should this inform our church community?