August 14th 2022 Announcements

  • The full HEFC Church Directory (without photos) of our members and regular attenders has been printed! You will be able to find one in your church mail folder in the Worship Center foyer. Please contact the church office if you need an additional copy.

  • There will be a brief Congregational Meeting after the worship service Sunday, August 14th. HEFC members will vote to approve Isaac and Debbie Janssen as new members.

  • There will be a Small Group Kick Off on Sunday, August 28th after the worship service. Cone and check out which group is the best fit for you! If you are interested in leading a new group, please contact Pastor Mike or the church office.

  • Do you have a piece of furniture you would like to find a new home for?

    Do you have garden produce you'd like to give away?

    Do you have a bag of 3T Boys clothing that has been gently used?

    Do you need firewood for the winter months?

    These are just some ideas to post on the new "I Have, I Need" message board located in the Worship Center.
    Please include your name and contact number, and add a description of what you "Have" to donate, or what you "Need".
    One more note: This is a free money given, no money received.

  • The Common Cup Ministry Back to School Supply Drive is finished and we exceeded our goal! We collected 21 backpacks, 520 black pens, 596 blue pens and 924 red pens. Thank you to everyone who donated!

  • The Fall Women's Bible Study "God of Deliverance" is a study on Exodus 1-18 by Jen Wilkin. Jen Wilkin will show us that Israel's story is our story. The same God who delivered Israel also delivers all He loves from slavery to sin and from service to the pharaohs of this world. He lifts our eyes to the promised land He has prepared where we dwell with I AM and worship Him as the one true God. The 10 week study will start Thursday, September 15th. Two times available - Morning: 8:30 - 10:15 am and Evening: 6:30- 8:15 pm. Cost: $16 OR $25 for personal video access. Please let Patti K know by September 1st so materials can be ordered.

  • Children's Ministry is looking for helpers and substitutes! This is a once-a-month, low-prep commitment. If you are interested in learning more, contact Missy M (preschool) or Elyse K (elementary).

  • We are looking for more people to join the Welcome Team to usher and help visitors feel comfortable. Please contact Char S if you are able to help in this ministry.

  • Camp Shamineau's Encore Retreat for Senior Adults is on September 12-13. See the flier posted in the Worship Center or visit for more details. Paper registration forms are available in the church office.

  • Camp Shamineau's Rejuvenate Weekend for Women is on September 23-25. See the flier posted in the Worship Center or visit for more details. Paper registration forms are available in the church office.

  • Are you going to be out of town? If you miss a Sunday service, there are extra bulletins from the previous two weeks in a folder in the front of the mailbox bin in the Worship Center foyer. Service live streams, sermon notes and reflection questions as well as announcements are all available on the church website.

  • Want to view our HEFC Main Calendar? Check out our website at under the INFO tab! This calendar does not include our small groups. Please contact the small group leaders for specific dates/times/locations/topics or pick up a Small Group flier in the Worship Center.