There will be a Small Group Kick Off on Sunday, August 28th after the worship service. Come and check out which group is the best fit for you! If you are interested in leading a new group, please contact Pastor Mike or the church office.
Available now: September/October/November 2022 Our Daily Bread devotionals in the Worship Center foyer or church office.
Do you have a piece of furniture you would like to find a new home for?
Do you have garden produce you'd like to give away?
Do you have a bag of 3T Boys clothing that has been gently used?
Do you need firewood for the winter months?
These are just some ideas to post on the new "I Have, I Need" message board located in the Worship Center.
Please include your name and contact number, and add a description of what you "Have" to donate, or what you "Need".
One more note: This is a free money given, no money received.The Fall Women's Bible Study "God of Deliverance" is a study on Exodus 1-18 by Jen Wilkin. Jen Wilkin will show us that Israel's story is our story. The same God who delivered Israel also delivers all He loves from slavery to sin and from service to the pharaohs of this world. He lifts our eyes to the promised land He has prepared where we dwell with I AM and worship Him as the one true God. The 10 week study will start Thursday, September 15th. Two times available - Morning: 8:30 - 10:15 am and Evening: 6:30- 8:15 pm. (Possible change to Wednesday evening instead of Thursday evening depending on interest and location availability). Cost: $16 OR $25 for personal video access. Please let Patti K know by September 1st so materials can be ordered.
Anyone needing childcare during a Women's Bible Study should contact Patti K ASAP so childcare can be arranged. Anyone interested in providing childcare (for compensation) can contact Patti.
The Outdoor Visionary Committee is inviting you to join us on Friday, September 16th. We will be continuing our work with the Northeast corner landscaping project, painting outside doors, shed window and signage poles; and preparing planter boxes starting at 8:00 am. Please join us whenever it works for you and stay as long as you can stay! Enjoy Fellowship and the Great Outdoors! All skill levels are welcome. Individuals not comfortable with the physical labor are encouraged to partner up and provide noon time nourishment. Please consider joining in! Many hands make light work. If you have questions or would like to volunteer to bring lunch, please contact Patti K.