January 23rd 2022 Announcements

  • Congratulations to Mike and Jessica Schwinghammer and big brother Andrew! Jacob Henry was born on January 19th!

  • We will be printing a directory update this week. If your contact information has changed since August 2021, please be sure the church office knows.

  • A Senior's Small Group will meet on Wednesday, February 2nd from 10am - 12pm in the Gathering Room. This will be a time to ask questions and get to know Pastor Mike and decide on a possible Bible Study. If interested please contact Carrie in the office or Pastor Mike.

  • The next Craft & Create Weekend will be Friday, February 11th 6p-10p and Saturday, February 12th 9am-5pm in the Worship Center. Ladies can bring: project(s) to work on and supplies, your own beverage, a snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, and a friend! Contact the church office or Carrie S to reserve a spot or get more details.