January 30th 2022 Announcements

  • The HECF directory updates have been printed! Copies can be found in your church mail folder. Please let the office know if you would like one mailed to you.

  • All students grades 6-12 are invited to join the Youth Group now meeting on Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 in the Gathering Room. Contact Pastor Mike or Micah S with any questions.

  • A Senior's Small Group will meet on Wednesday, February 2nd from 10am - 12pm in the Gathering Room. This will be a time to ask questions and get to know Pastor Mike and decide on a possible Bible Study. If interested please contact Carrie in the office or Pastor Mike.

  • The next Craft & Create Weekend will be Friday, February 11th 6p-10p and Saturday, February 12th 9am-5pm in the Worship Center. Ladies can bring: project(s) to work on and supplies, your own beverage, a snack to share, money for lunch on Saturday, and a friend! Contact the church office or Carrie S to reserve a spot or get more details.

  • 10 volunteers are needed to help with the HAY lunch from 10:00am - noon on Thursday, February 17. Contact Dede H if you can help by making sandwiches, setting up the serving area and serving food. This is a free meal provided to the high school students each week across the street from the Hutchinson High School at Cross Point with area churches taking turns serving the food and providing a gospel message to the students.