October 3rd 2021 Announcements

  • Parents, teachers and volunteers are invited to a Children's' Ministry Open House on Sunday, October 3rd! The open house and annual Parent/Teacher/Volunteer meeting will be held after church.

  • The next Craft & Create weekend will be October 15 & 16. Friday 6p-10p and Saturday 9p-5p. Bring: project(s), supplies (cutting mat & ironing board provided), your own beverage and a snack to share. We will order lunch on Saturday. Please contact Carrie S if you are planning to come so enough tables can be arranged. Feel free to invite a friend!

  • Join us for an Outdoor Workday on Saturday, October 16th 8:00am - Noon! We will be doing some landscaping, tree trimming and painting. We are looking for volunteers to provide lunch so the time can be extended. Rain/follow up date: October 23. Contact Matt M with any questions.

  • If you are willing to help lead our youth through the Bible Instruction Course (BIC) please contact Craig K or Pastor Mike for additional information.

  • We are looking for another Sound Tech person to run the sound board during the Sunday morning services and at the Thursday evening worship team practices. If you are interested, please contact Pat G.