September 26th 2021 Announcements

  • HEFC Membership classes will be held September 26th and October 3rd after the worship service. These two classes cover different topics and are each approximately 1 1/2 hours. If you would like to attend, please contact the office or Pastor Mike.

  • Parents, teachers and volunteers are invited to a Children's' Ministry Open House on Sunday, October 3rd! The open house and annual Parent/Teacher/Volunteer Meeting will be held after church.

  • The next Craft & Create weekend will be October 15 & 16. Friday 6p-10p and Saturday 9p-5p. Bring: project(s), supplies (cutting mat & ironing board provided), your own beverage and a snack to share. We will order lunch on Saturday. Please contact Carrie S if you are planning to come so enough tables can be arranged. Feel free to invite a friend!

  • Join us for an Outdoor Workday on Saturday, October 16th 8:00am - Noon! We will be doing some landscaping, tree trimming and painting. We are looking for volunteers to provide lunch so the time can be extended. Rain/follow up date: October 23. Contact Matt M with any questions.

  • Are you looking for a place to serve at Hutchinson Evangelical Free Church? We are in need of additional Servers for the Fellowship Break during our worship service. Please contact Patti K if you are willing to be on a rotating schedule for Fellowship Servers.

  • If anyone would like to lead our church with Operation Christmas Child, please contact the church office. We received a leader packet and would love to pas it on to someone passionate about this ministry.