The Call of Christ
Mike Giesenhagen
August 14, 2022
Acts 9:1-19
1. ____ ____________ < ______ __________
2. ____ _________ < ______ ___________
3. Christianity is a ________________.
4. We Need _________ _______________.
1. How did Saul view himself when he started on the road to Damascus? How did he see the early followers of Christ (the Way)?
2. Why would it be difficult for Saul to believe in Christ as Messiah (read Deuteronomy 21:23)?
3. For three days Saul was blind and did not eat. What do you think those days were like for him? If you were in his shoes, what would you have been thinking about?
4. How did Saul’s life change as a result of his encounter with Christ? What did he lose? What did he gain?
5. How did Ananias respond to God’s call to meet with Saul? What would have made this difficult? How was he able to go anyway?
6. Personal Prayer: Are there any areas of our life where we are relying on our own righteousness, rather than God’s (like Saul)? Are there any people God is calling us to minister to (like Ananias)?