August 7, 2022: Anytime. Anywhere.

Acts 8: 26-40

Anytime.  Anywhere

Mike Giesenhagen

August 7, 2022

Acts 8:26-40

1. We Need to Be Ready to _______ ____

 2. We Need to Be Ready for an ________

 3. We Need to Be Ready with the ______

 4. We Need to Be Ready for a _________


 1.   Have you ever had a time when you were unexpectedly prepared for something that came your way?  What happened?  How were you prepared?

 2.   How did God prepare Philip for the conversation that took place at the chariot?

 3.   What would an opportunity for a spiritual conversation look like?  What types of things do people often go through that might lead to a conversation about Jesus?

 4.   How does Jesus meet people’s needs?  What of our longings in life does Jesus satisfy?  Give some specific questions that Jesus could answer, and use Scripture to answer those questions.

 5.   If you do enter into a spiritual conversation, what would you do if the other person is receptive to what you say about Jesus?  What happens next?

 6.   Personal Prayer: Who can you pray for an opportunity to tell about Jesus?