July 31, 2022

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But I Don’t Wanna

Mike Giesenhagen

July 31, 2022

Acts 8:1-25

We Don’t Wanna Grow, but…

1. God Uses _____________ for ________!

 We Don’t Wanna Go, but…

2. God’s Word is _____________ _______!

 We Don’t Wanna Let Go, but…

3. God’s Plan is __________ than ______!


 1.   In Acts 8, we see the early church persecuted by the religious leaders of Jerusalem.  What happens as a result of this persecution?

 2.   What are the benefits of challenges in our lives?  How have you grown as a person in the midst of trials and challenges?  What are the risks when we become too comfortable with the way things are?

 3.   Are there any groups of people that would be difficult for you to share the love of Christ with?  What would make that so difficult for you?  Pray for God to help you grow in His love for the people he created in his image.

 4.   Have you ever known someone who could not let something go?  What were they holding on to?  How did it affect them? Are there any things that God might ask you to let go?

 5.   Personal Prayer: Simon’s past made it difficult and unwise for him to engage in the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Are there any areas in your life where you might have trouble serving God in a similar way?