December 1, 2024: The Hope of Light

Revelation 22:1-5

The Hope of Light

Mike Giesenhagen

December 1, 2024

Revelation 22:1-5

1.   This __________ ____________ Includes _____________.

2.   ___________ is Better Than __________________.

3.   __________ Exchanges ____________ for ___________.

4.   Our Hope is _____________ by _______________.


1.   How do people normally describe darkness? What pictures or feelings are associated with darkness?

2.   How do people normally describe light? What pictures or feelings are associated with light?

3.   What evidence of “darkness” do we see in the world today?

4.   Additional Study: Read John 8:12 and 12:44-46. According to Jesus, what is the difference between darkness and light? Who or what does Jesus say is the light of the world?

5.   What are some of the descriptions that Christians are given as “children of light” in the New Testament? What is our identity? How are we called to put this into practice?

6.   How would you explain or define Christian hope to a young child?

7.   How does the light of Christ provide eternal hope for those who follow Him?